This web site is in a state of flux at the moment. It was originally set up to run in parallel with the SVPCA web site (svpca.org), but because of constraints of time I was not able to keep it up-to-date, especially as it involved duplicating a lot of work on the SVPCA sist.
There has been talk over the past few years about developing the site as a resource for preparators, and I have recently rebuilt the site from scratch to make it much easier to add and edit material. I've put up a few pdfs made from powerpoint presentations (see Resources) from meetings, and would like to add more.
The Symposium for Palaeontological Preparation and Conservation
The SPPC is intended as a forum in which professionals, amateurs and researchers alike, interested in all aspects of preparation, conservation, model-making and related subjects, can participate. The SPPC offers a unique opportunity to meet friends and colleagues and to discuss recent developments, ongoing research, and other, often museum related, projects. Although the SPPC generally precedes the the SVPCA conference, contributions are not limited to the field of vertebrate palaeontology.
SPPC Conferences have been run since 1992, either before or after the SVPCA, and many participants attend both conferences. Over recent years the number of talks on offer has been in decline, and there is a need for discussion on the nature and identity of this event. Conferences are held in a variety of venues, and offer a great opportunity both to share experience and to have the chance to look over the facilities other organisations and how they are used.